The Perseus Galaxy Cluster (Abell 426)

Perseus Galaxy Cluster Abell 426

10-25-2008 5:36:13 UT Latitude: 43° 31′ 21″ North Longitude: 122˚ 52’ 35” West; 4658 ft. Snow Peak; S/E of Cottage Grove, OR Seeing: E Transparency: 6 SQM: 21.98. Telescopes / Optics: TEC 140mm f/7 Mount: AstroPhysics 1200 GTO. Camera: SBIG ST10xme CCD & CFW10 FOV: 48’ x 32’ FWHM: 2..24-2.95 Filter: Astrodon LRGB series E Gen. 2 Ha 9nm Information: The Perseus galaxy cluster (Abell 426) is about 250 million light-years from our galaxy and contains more that 500 catalogued galaxies. The brightest member is NGC 1275, near the left edge of the image, at magnitude 11.6. L=13, RGB=5 ; total 2 Hours 20 min. FWHM Range 2.36-2.68

The Perseus galaxy cluster (Abell 426) is about 250 million light-years from our galaxy and contains more that 500 catalogued galaxies. The brightest member is NGC 1275,  at magnitude 11.6.  NGC 1275 is a strong source of radio waves and x-rays. Abell 426 is the dominant member of the Perseus-Pisces Supercluster, spanning 15 degrees.. The super cluster extends to 300 million light-years and covers 40 degrees of the winter sky.

Pegasus Galaxy Cluster

NGC 7626 (179 LY) and NGC 7619 (152 LY)

7/30/2011 12:10-5:00 AM PST Latitude: 44° 2’ 07.73” North Longitude: 120° 50’ 43.21” West; 3855 ft. Juniper Acres, 30 miles East of Bend, OR Seeing: E Transparency: 6, Bortle: 2, SQM: 21.92 Telescopes / Optics: TEC 140mm f/7 Mount: AP1200 Camera: SBIG ST10xme CCD & CFW10 FOV: 52’ x 35’ FWHM: 2..24-2.95 Filter: Astrodon LRGB series E Gen.; L=98, RGB=8 ; total 3 Hours 8 min. Information: NGC 7626 & NGC 7619 & Galaxy Pegasus 1 Galaxy Group

Pegasus Galaxy Cluster 1, rates as one of the most distant objects (faintest) observable with normal amateur Telescopes. This image’s field of view is 52’ 16” x 35’ 5”, It was capture with TEC 5.5” f/7 refractor and SBIG ST10XME at 1.436 arcseconds per pixel. In perspective the full moon is approximately 33’ 57”, about a half of a degree. This Galactic Cluster has an estimated diameter of 6.3 degrees. Currently composed of 13 galaxies (down from original 23) with firm evidence that it hosts an ongoing merger. The map of this image lists some of the galaxies in this image, I have counted 284. Do to its 12.7 magnitude, one needs 10” telescope to observe it visually.

Recent Data from the Gemini + GMOS imaging Globular Clusters fo both NGC 7619 and NGC 7626 support this  (  LINK:

Pegasus Galaxy Cluster 1, is 175.3 (175,341,668.65 ) million lights years away consisting of 8-12 key members.  Also known as Pegasus 1 group 50Mpc

NGC 7626 and NGC 7619 (E3) Elliptical Galaxies  with a brightness of magnitude 11.2 (2.6×2.3) and 12.2 (2.6 x2.2) respectfully.  NGC 7626 is 151,956,256.37 Light years (Ly) away, while NGC 7619 is 179,222,929.54 Ly. 

Map of some galaxies in the Pegasus Cluster

M104/NGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy

2/17/2018 M104/NGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy in Virgo Taken with TEC 140mm Telescope

M104/NGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy; 2/17/2018 9:53 UT or 1:53 AM PST Latitude: 33° 29′ 01.48″ North Longitude: 116° 43′ 19.24″ West Elevation: 4321 ft. Jupiter Ridge #4 Observatory; OCA site, near Anza, CA. Seeing: E Transparency: 6 SQM: 20.85 Telescopes / Optics: TEC 140mm f/7 Mount: AP1200 Camera: SBIG ST10xme CCD & CFW10. FOV: 48’ x 32’ FWHM: 2.42 Filter: Astrodon LRGB series E Gen. 2 Information: M104 NGC 4594 Captured with CCDSoft; RGB= 3 x 5 minute; L= 13x x 5 minute -20°c. Total LRGB= 110 minutes (2 hours) Processed with CCDStack, Photoshop CS6 & Pixel Insight.

M104/NGC 4594 Galaxy,  is a peculiar galaxy of unclear classification. M104’s diameter is 50,000 Ly about 1/3 the size of our own Milky Way.  This Galaxy is 31.1 Mly from earth, shinning at magnitude 8. It reside in the constellation of Virgo, near Corvus. M104 has many globular clusters, estimated to be nearly 2,000 in number — 10 times more than the number of globular clusters in our Milky Way galaxy.        

M 1o4’s core is very illuminated, where a one-billion-solar-mass black hole resides. This galaxy has an estimated mass of 800 billion stars similar to our own sun. M104 is one of the most massive objects in the Virgo galaxy cluster.

M104/NGC 4594 Galaxy was discovered on May 11, 1781 by Pierre Méchain,

Charles Messier made a hand-written note about this and five other objects (now collectively recognized as M104 – M109) to his personal list of objects now known as the Messier Catalogue. It was not included until 1921  about the 10 years after Mt. Wilson’s 100” telescope was up and running (1917)

M104/NGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy 50% Crop

M104 Crop
M104/NGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy Crop

Above is a zoomed in view of the original image M104/NGC 4594 Taken with 5.5″ refractor (TEC-140)

M109 /NGC 3992 Barred Spiral Galaxy

M109 / NGC 3992 a Barred Spiral Galaxy 83 MLY; Taken with TEC 140mm f/7 Refractor

02/17/2018   Latitude: 33 29′ 01.48″ North   Longitude: -116 43′ 19.24″ West; 4,321 ft., Jupiter Ridge #4 OCA, CA.   Seeing: E   Transparency: 5.8 magnitude  SQM: 20. 78 Telescopes / Optics:  TEC 140mm f/7 980mm Mount: AP1200 GTO.    Camera: SBIG ST10xme CCD & CFW10.     FOV:  48’ x 32’; FWHM:  1.68-2.61  Filter: Astrodon LRGB series E Gen. Information:  M109/NGC 3992 Barred Spiral Galaxy,  Captured with CCDSoft; LRGB 190 min;  L: 20x300sec, L:  x 600sec. RGB: 12 x 300 sec. subs, -20°c.  Processed with CCDStack2, Photoshop CS6  

M109 /NGC 3992 Barred Spiral Galaxy approximately 83 million light years from Earth located in the Constellation URSA Major (Big Dipper). (location is 11:57.6 (R.A.) and +53:23 (Dec.). This barred spiral galaxy is readily visible through telescopes of 6″ aperture or better. Really looks good in 10″ telescopes at a Dark Sky site. When looking at the M109 /NGC 3992 Barred Spiral Galaxy, remember it is approximately 175,853.82 light years in diameter. (Milky Way is 100,000). M 109’s apparent Magnitude of 10.6 and size 7.6′ x 4.7′ (arc-minute)

The Messier objects were M 1-M 103 discovered and named by Charles Messier (see )until after the fifties when M 104-M 110 were added. M 109 is listed in The New General Catalog it is listed as NGC 3992.

This image was capture through a 5.5″ f/7 TEC refractor using a CCD with KAF 3200me chip cooled to -20c, each exposure was 5 min long 3 for each color channel (RGB) the rest were luminous.

Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies

Markarian's Chain of Galaxies ; M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435
Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies, with 8 prominent members: M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435. Taken with 80mm TMB Refractor f/4.8 384mm. Constellation of Virgo. Also know as Virgo Cluster

04/20/2018   Latitude: 33 29′ 01.48″ North   Longitude: -116 43′ 19.24″ West. 4,321ft., Jupiter Ridge #4 OCA, CA. Seeing: E   Transparency: 5.8 magnitude; SQM: 20. 78 . Telescopes / Optics:  TMB 80mm f/6, Tele Vue 0.8 reducer f/4.8.  Mount: Astro-Physics 1200 GTO.  Camera: SBIG ST10xme CCD & CFW10 FOV:  2° 13′ 12″ x 1° 29′ 24″; FWHM:  1.68 +; Filter: Astrodon LRGB series E Gen. Information:  Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies, Captured with CCDSoft. LRGB of 3 hours 15 minutes (L=2 hours 15 minutes.; color 60 minutes) -20° C.  Processed with CCDStack2, Photoshop CS6.  

Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies is part of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies. The chain forms a smooth curve and is named  after the American Astrophysicist Benjamin Markarian.  He discovered the common motion of  the members  in the 1960’s.   Charles Messier discover of M84 (NGC 4374) & M86 (NGC 4406) in 1781. Both of theses Galaxies are elliptical or lenticular type galaxies.  M84 at magnitude 10 (60 Mly) and M86 at 8.9 (52 Mly).  The main galaxies include M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435

The upper left Super Giant Elliptical Galaxy is M87, on of the most massive galaxies of the local group.  It has approximate 12,000 globular clusters compared to our Milky Way’s  150-200.

Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies is a delight to view in larger instruments.  Using telescope of 14 inches or more in aperture are really satisfying.  Use a wide angle eyepiece of 26-50mm focal length to get the full impression of this galactic Cluster.

Early Spring is the best tome to view the Constellation Virgo, The Virgo Galaxy Cluster and Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies.