M 101 NGC 5457 Galaxy

Galaxy M101 NGC 5457
Galaxy M101 (NGC 5457) Pinwheel Galaxy 21 million light years 4 hours 20 min. exposure CCD

M 101 Galaxy NGC 5457 Pinwheel Galaxy in Ursa Major 7/26/2009 12:05 AM Latitude: 43° 31′ 21″ North  Longitude: 122˚ 52’ 35” West 4658’.  Snow Peak 25 miles S/E of Cottage Grove. OR. Seeing:Transparency:SQM: 21.96  Bortle:2 Telescopes / Optics:   TEC 140 f/7  980mm        Mount : AstroPhysics 1200 GOTO.     Camera: SBIG ST10XME CFW9; 4 hours 20 minutes, L= 20min.x7, 10min. X 3  & 5 min.x6 ;RGB 4 x 5 min ; Filters: Astrodon LRGB E series FOV 52’ x 35’.  Information:  CCDSoft, AIP4Win, CCDStack & PhotoShop; Many background galaxies can be seen between spiral arms of M101

Galaxy M101 (NGC 5457) is located in the constellation Ursa Major (The Great Bear). This spiral galaxy, also called “The Pinwheel Galaxy”, is magnitude 7.86 and is 28.6′ x 26.5′ in size. This shows up well in medium sized scopes at a dark sky site. Galaxy M101 is 21 million lights years distant & 170,000 light years across with 1 Trillion stars.  Discovered by Charles Messier March 27, 1781.

The longer you image this galaxy, more details continue to surface while arms continue to grow in size.  The hundreds of background galaxies that are visible is astounding.  This is because we are looking out and up from the central region of our own Milky Way Galaxy which obscures our view of space. 

I have estimated that some of these background galaxies are 20-50 times more distant.M 101 is one of the best face-on spirals visible through amateur telescopes.  This galaxy is comparable to the size of our own Milky Way Galaxy.  M101 has 5 prominent companion galaxies: NGC 5204, NGC 5474, NGC 5477, NGC 5585 & Holmberg IV.  The gravitational interaction of these have shaped M101


Comet McNaught C/2006 P1

Comet McNaught
Comet McNaught -C/2006 P1  Taken January 11, 2007 (Sunset)
Canon EOS 20D  1/60 sec.  Canon 100mm Macro f/2.8  1600 ISO  Tripod
Snow on the ground +10 degrees Fahrenheit  Hundreds of Canadian Geese in the air
Fern Ridge Reservoir, 7 miles from Eugene, Oregon

Comet McNaught C/2006 P1 was a great naked eye comet.  However in Oregon, it appeared while we had a snow storm in Eugene.  The above image was taken at Fern Ridge Reservoir with thousands of Canadian Geese flying about, some of them appear in this image.  The comet was very close to the sun at this latitude and very difficult to image.

Aurora, Leo, Jupiter and Iridium Flare

Aurora, Leo, Jupiter,   Iridium Flare and Meteor ; June19,2004
Telescope / Lens35mm  f/2 Canon at f/2.8
Mount TypePiggyback on Losmandy G11
CameraCanon F-1 with Bright Screen & Angle B magnifier
 Filters UV
 Film Kodak ED200 (Slide Film) Slide #05
 Exposure120 seconds; manual guiding FS/78
 ProcessingPushed, Scanned – 2400 dpi, Photoshop
 DateJune 19, 2004
 LocationEagles Rest, south of Dexter, Oregon
 Conditions2500′ magnitude 6 Skies; Clear, steady




Orion Rising in the East


Wide field image of Venus on left & Orion on right rising over trees.  

Telescope / Lens 50 f/1.4 Canon Lens at f/2.8
Mount Type Piggyback on Losmandy G11
Camera Canon F-1 with Bright Screen & Angle B magnifier
 Filters 52mm UV
 Film  Provia 400F (Slide Film) #10
 Exposure 15 minutes; manual guiding Takahashi FS/78
 Processing  Slide Scanned – 2400 dpi, Photoshop
 Date September 26, 2003
 Location Eagles Rest, south of Dexter, Oregon
 Conditions 2557′ magnitude 6 Skies; Clear, steady