The Ring Nebula M57 (NGC 6720)

Ring Nebula M57 (NGC 6720
Ring Nebula M57 (NGC 6720)
Telescope / Lens 11″ Celestron SCT
Mount Type Astro-Physics 1200
Camera SBIG ST8XME, Astrodon Filters generation 1
 Filters Astrodon E-Series Ha,LRGB
 Film  CCD
 Exposure Total Exposure -105 minutes; LRGB- binned 2×2
 Processing CCDSoft 5, AIP4WIN 2.0, Photoshop CS2,
 Date  09-21-2007
 Location  June Mountain, near Eagles Rest, South of Dexter, Oregon
 Conditions 3232′ magnitude 6.2 Skies; Clear & Steady, SQM 21.6

The Ring Nebula M57 / NGC 6720 is located in the constellation Lyra, between the bottom two stars b & y Lyra that form a parallelogram below Vega. M57 the Ring is one of the best known Planetary Nebula in the sky. Distinct gas clouds that form this spectacular ring, were thrown off by the magnitude 15.31 central star. The central star was originally a Red Giant and is near the end of it’s stellar evolution and is forming a white dwarf. It has been expanding for approximately 1600-1840 years.The nebula itself, has only a total brightness of magnitude 9. It is about the same size as Jupiter when viewed through telescope with a size of only 3.8′ arc minutes. It requires 6-8 inch scope to see it as a small smoke ring. To see the central star usually require a 10″ or larger telescope. M57 also know as NGC 6720 is about 2,150 Light Years from Earth.

Charles Messier was searching for comets when he discovered the Ring nebula in January 1779.  It found its way into the Messier’s Catalogue as M 57.  The Messier catalogue lists 109-110 objects readily observed in a good 4″ refractor.

Below is a cropped view of the same image above, clearly showing the central star.  The resolution that modern day CCD imaging can accomplish in small telescopes is amazing.

Ring Nebula M57 (NGC 6720) cropped
The Ring Nebula M57 (NGC 6720) cropped



NGC 7000 North American Nebula IC 5067 Pelican Nebula

North American Nebula NGC 7000
NGC 7000 North American Nebula & IC5067 Pelican Nebula (Film Image)
Telescope / Lens Tokina/Canon 300mm f/2.8 Lens
Mount Type G11 Losmandy, Takahashi FS 78, Manual Guiding
Camera Canon F-1 with bright screen and angle B finder
 Filters 112mm UV
 Film  Kodak Elite Chrome E200, Push 1
 Exposure 15 minutes
 Processing Photoshop CS2
 Date 6-19-2004
 Location  Eagles Rest, near Dexter, Oregon 122° 43.53 W 43° 48.41′ N
 Conditions 2557′ magnitude 6.0 Skies; Clear & Steady

NGC 7000 the North American Nebula in the constellation Cygnus. This nebula is next to the star Deneb which is the tail star of the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. Next to the North American Nebula is the Pelican Nebula (IC5067). NGC 7000 the North American Nebula is very large and visible with the naked eye from a Dark Sky site.  It is 1600 Light Years distant, 120 x 100 arcminutes, roughly 4 times the size of the full moon.     

IC 5067, the Pelican Nebula, 60 x 50 arcminutes, 1,800 light years distant.  This image was captures on film, while the camera was manually guided through a 78mm diameter (3″) telescope using an illuminated cross-hair eyepiece.

IC 5067 Nebula HaLRGB
IC 5067 Nebula HaLRGB; taken with TEC 140mm f/7 refractor & ST10xme CCD Camera
IC 5067 Ha Crop, Protostar
IC 5067 Ha Crop, Protostar

Protostar forming in IC 5067, was observed by Jerry Oltion in a 96″ telescope.  Jerry conveyed the location in IC 5067. I was able to locate and capture it with a 5.5″ refractor and st10xme CCD camera using a 9nm Ha filter on 8/17/2009 from a Dark Sky site in Oregon.  Above and below is a crop of the star form area.






Helix Nebula NGC 7293

Helix Nebula NGC 7293
Helix Nebula NGC 7293 “Eye of God”
Telescope / LensTEC 140mm f/7
Mount TypeAstro-Physics 1200
 FiltersAstro-Don LRGB
 Film CCD – KAF 1602E 13.8 mm x 9.2 mm
 ExposureLRGB 130 minuets -20° C
 ProcessingCCDSoft, AIP4Win, CCDStack & Photoshop CS2
 Location June Mountain, near Dexter, Oregon 122° 43.53 W 43° 48.41′ N
 Conditions3252′ magnitude 6.2 Skies; Clear & Steady

Helix Nebula NGC 7293, a planetary nebula in the constellation Aquarius, 714 Light years away. Discovered by Karl Ludwig in 1824. The helix Nebula formed when an intermediate low-mass star sheds it’s outer layers, leaving a remnant stellar core which will become a White Dwarf star. Helix is 25 arc-minutes in diameter, the outer layer is estimated to have formed 6,500 years ago, while the inner region 12,000 years ago.

This image was taken with a 5.5 inch Tech Engineering refractor on an  Astro-Physics 1200 mount from a remote Dark Sky Site.  All the equipment had to be setup and calibrated for that location.

An SBIG (Diffraction Limited) NABG CCD Camera, color filter-wheel (CFW8a) using Astro-Don Generation 1 true balance Luminance, Red, Green & Blue filters were used to capture the light channels which were combined to form a color image.

Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies

Markarian's Chain of Galaxies ; M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435
Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies, with 8 prominent members: M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435. Taken with 80mm TMB Refractor f/4.8 384mm. Constellation of Virgo. Also know as Virgo Cluster
Telescope / LensTMB 80mm f/6, Tele Vue 0.8 reducer f/4.8
Mount TypeAstro-Physics 1200
CameraSBIG ST10XME , KAF3200
 FiltersAstro-Don LRGB Generation 2
 ExposureLRGB of 3 hours 15 minutes (L=2 hours 15 minutes.; color 60 minutes) -20° C
 ProcessingCCDSoft,  CCDStack & Photoshop CS6
 Location Jupiter Ridge # 4,  (OCA Anza Site)
 Conditions4321 ′ magnitude 5.8  20.85 SQM

Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies part of the Virgo Cluster, form a smooth curve and is named  after the American Astrophysicist Benjamin Markarian.  He discovered the common motion of  the members  in the 1960’s.   Charles Messier discover M84 (NGC 4374) & M86 (NGC 4406) in 1781, both of which are elliptical or lenticular type galaxies.  M84 at magnitude 10 (60 Mly) and M86 at 8.9 (52 Mly).  The main galaxies include M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435

The upper left Super Giant Elliptical Galaxy is M87, on of the most massive galaxies of the local group.  It has approximate 12,000 globular clusters compared to our Milky Way’s  150-200.

Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies is a delight to view in larger instruments.  Using telescope of 14 inches or more in aperture are really satisfying.  Use a wide angle eyepiece of 26-50mm focal length to get the full impression of this galactic Cluster.

Early Spring is the best tome to view the Constellation Virgo, The Virgo Galaxy Cluster and Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies.


Comet C/2001 Q4 Neat May 24,2004

Comet C/2001 Q4 Neat May 24,2004
Comet C/2001 Q4 Neat May 24,2004
Canon Ftb  Canon 100mm @ f/2.8  Elite-Chrome E200 Push 1 (Photo Oregon) 6 min exposure
Piggyback on Losmandy G11 Mount  Guiding through Takahashi FS78
Taken from Dark Skies at Panther Creek, SW of Veneta, Oregon
5.8-6.0 Magnitude skies 2557′ elevation

Comet C/2001 Q4 Neat was discovered on August 4, 2001 by the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking Team (NEAT). This comet spent most of its time in the southern hemisphere until May 2004 when it went North and brightened.

Comet C/2001 Q4 NEAT, came within 0.34 astronomical units ( 1 AU = 92,955,807 Miles ) 31.6 million miles of earth.  It reached  perihelion (closest approach in it’s orbit) on May 15, 2004 .  This hyperbolic comet will be flung out of our solar system, never to be seen again.

AU or Astronomical Unit (roughly earth’s distance from the sun)  93,000,000 miles.

I was lucky to have a clear May night in Oregon to image  Comet C/2001 Q4 Neat May 24, 2004.