Telescope / Lens | TMB 80mm f/6 & Tele Vue TRF2008 0.8 reducer |
Mount Type | Astro-Physics 1200 |
Camera | SBIG ST10XME , KAF3200 |
Filters | Astro-Don LRGB Generation 2, 9nm Ha |
Film | CCD, NABG |
Exposure | 3 hours -20° C ; Ha, LRGB |
Processing | CCDSoft, CCDStack & Photoshop CS6 |
Date | 04/20/2018 |
Location | Jupiter Ridge # 4, (OCA Anza, CA. Site) |
Conditions | 4321 ′ magnitude 5.8 20.85 SQM |
Gama Cygnus (Cygni)Region surrounding the Star Sadr (37-Gamma Cygni)shining at magnitude 2.2, in the Constellation Cygnus the Swan, is full of nebula. The above image is to the North- East of IC 1318, Sadr star is not visible in this image. This region is also referred to as IC 1318, the entire region is full of diffuse emission nebula along with dark dust lanes and structure. Readily visible in binoculars from a Dark Sky site.
To the North is the bright star Deneb (mag. 1.25) and the famous North American Nebula NGC 7000 along with the Pelican Nebula IC 5070.
This image was capture with a TMB 80mm f/6 triplet APO refractor using a Tel Vue TRF-2008 0.8 reducer and field-flatter attached to SBIG CFW9 and ST10XME NABG CCD camera.