Telescope / Lens | Tokina/Canon 300mm f/2.8 Lens |
Mount Type | G11 Losmandy, Takahashi FS 78, Manual Guiding |
Camera | Canon F-1 with bright screen and angle B finder |
Filters | 112mm UV |
Film | Kodak Elite Chrome E200, Push 1 |
Exposure | 15 minutes |
Processing | Photoshop CS2 |
Date | 6-19-2004 |
Location | Eagles Rest, near Dexter, Oregon 122° 43.53 W 43° 48.41′ N |
Conditions | 2557′ magnitude 6.0 Skies; Clear & Steady |
NGC 7000 the North American Nebula in the constellation Cygnus. This nebula is next to the star Deneb which is the tail star of the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. Next to the North American Nebula is the Pelican Nebula (IC5067). NGC 7000 the North American Nebula is very large and visible with the naked eye from a Dark Sky site. It is 1600 Light Years distant, 120 x 100 arcminutes, roughly 4 times the size of the full moon.
IC 5067, the Pelican Nebula, 60 x 50 arcminutes, 1,800 light years distant. This image was captures on film, while the camera was manually guided through a 78mm diameter (3″) telescope using an illuminated cross-hair eyepiece.

Protostar forming in IC 5067, was observed by Jerry Oltion in a 96″ telescope. Jerry conveyed the location in IC 5067. I was able to locate and capture it with a 5.5″ refractor and st10xme CCD camera using a 9nm Ha filter on 8/17/2009 from a Dark Sky site in Oregon. Above and below is a crop of the star form area.