Rosette Nebula NGC 2244

Rosette Nebula NGC 2244 9/21/2009 2:30 AM Latitude: 43° 31′ 21″ North: Longitude: 122˚ 52’ 35” West: Location: Snow Peak S/E of Cottage Grove. OR. 4658 ft: Seeing: E Transparency: 7; Bortle:2: SQM: 21.93 Telescopes / Optics: TMB 80mm f/ 4.8 384mm Mount : AP1200 Camera: SBIG ST10XME 120 min.; LRGB; L=30min(6x5min) RGB 60 min (4x5min ea.) Ha 9nm 30min (3×10) FOV 133.4′ x 89.5′ Information: Rosette Nebula NGC 2244 from a 3.1” refractor. Image captured with CCDSoft, processed with CCDStack and Photoshop

Rosette Nebula NGC 2244 / Caldwell 49 located in the constellation Monoceros. This is an Open Cluster surrounded by nebulosity that formed the stars in the cluster.  This nebula-Star Cluster shines at an apparent brightness of magnitude 9 and the nebulosity is like a red wreath when vied by RGB..   The Rosette Nebula is 65 light years across and lies 5,200 light years away.  This Nebula has several regions, NGC 2237, 2238, 2239,2246.  The entire Nebula is 130 light years in diameter.  Over 2500 young stars lie within this star forming nebula over 10,000 solar masses. The Rosette Nebula is rather large in the night sky at 1.3 degrees in diameter.  The full moon is ½ of a degree.  Imaging with 3-4 inch refractors reveal much detail.  Larger scopes are need for more detailed views through the eyepiece.